Title Credits
I focused on animating the title credits to be used for the series. I wanted the titles to be very simplistic and not be based around pre-existing episodes that a large range of animated series uses such as Rick & Morty. My main inspiration for the title sequence was the video-game Cuphead.
The main inspiration from Cuphead is the image used before playing the game (linked below). I liked the style and the characters and text behind a solid block of colour. I did try other colours rather than the yellow that is used in my inspiration, but yellow was the only colour that really stood out from the characters and offered a nice visual element to the piece.
Based on the techniques from the rubberhose tutorial I talked about previously. I created a run-cycle with my own characters that follow the same principals as the walk cycle such as animating the feet first and timing the correct rotations while also using easing in and out to help the animation look more natural.
My plan for the episodes is to have this title scene act as a prelude to title cards and then start the episode after the title card reveal.
Here is the end result: